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sions.  This is huge new

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encouraged the study of the 50 states, the Presidential Dollar and First Lady Gold coins will provide excellent fodder for educational programs for the nation’s youth, and should spur new interest in coin collecting, especially among the female members of the population, who have long been underrepresented among coin collectors.

       Also of interest to collectors, in 2009, the Lincoln penny will be minted with four new reverses, much like the current program for Jefferson nickels.  In addition to regular circulating versions of base metal will be pure copper ver


Following are seven common reasons people sell their coins:


¨         You have “junk” coins you wish to trade for rarities.

¨         Your coin accumulation is  heavy, bulky, and you wish to consolidate it or turn it to cash.

¨         You need cash.

¨         Your age or condition requires simplifying your assets and making them liquid. 

¨         You overpaid for coins and you could use a tax loss.   

¨         You inherited a collection you must sell or split among heirs.

¨         You have lost interest in coins.


Thinking of Selling Your Coins?

Rare Date Gold     (cont’)

Presidential Dollars (cont’)

Customized Numismatic Portfolios


to the rest of the numismatic market, and have a great deal of room to rise.

      This move is more broad based than in the 1980’s, when common date St. Gaudens in MS-65 hit $3350. That same coin today is about $1600.  

      So, while prices are up, they are nowhere near 1980’s peaks. Many expect prices to go much higher, particularly since financial markets predict gold to hit $600 by the end of 2006.

      Upward potential therefore remains huge. Buy soon for the best deals.   This also provides a great market for sellers, as it is almost always more desirable to sell into a rising market.

United States Mint and the Federal Government have committed to new commemorative programs and marketing campaigns which are certain to swell the ranks of coin collectors.

      Specifically, in late 2005, Congress passed and the President signed legislation that mandates the Presidential dollars, gold coins of first ladies, and four new reverses for the Lincoln cent.

  Last year, the Mint spent about $60 million promoting mint products, returning a $600 million profit to the Treasury.    Expect both the promotion budget and the profit to increase as a result. This follows up on the very successful state quarter program, which swelled the ranks of collectors from about 20-25 million to over 150 million.

  Many of these new collectors are young.  Experience shows that in the next five to twenty-five years, a percentage of these new buyers, will move beyond collecting current issues and collect older, rarer coins.

  Economic strength won’t stop the dollar’s gradual erosion, which in time should translate into price increase for virtually all coins. 

  World economic conditions, especially rapid growth in India and China are increasing demand for gold, which in turn adds even more upward push to long term coin prices.   Huzzah!


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grade rarity.

      Thus, a $10 or $20 CC gold coin in circulated grades is rare, as are high grade common dates, such as a 1924 St. Gaudens in MS-65 or better.

      Demand for both types of coins is steadily increasing, which pushes the price upward.  I believe this demand will continue, because nothing in the current situation appears capable of bucking this trend.

      On the contrary, as reported last issue and this issue as well,  virtually all factors generally affecting the price of rare date gold remain positive. 

      Market conditions are so favorable price increases should extend to less rare coins, as those areas are low compared


Text Box: What Coins are in a U.S. “Gold Type” Set?

A “type set” refers to having one of every type of coin minted.  Thus, a U.S. “gold type” set would comprise one example of every gold coin ever minted by the U.S.

Since this includes a few very rare, expensive 18th century coins, most collectors limit their type set either by mint mark, by time period or by denomination.

Thus, a $20 gold type set would include type 1, 2 and 3 $20 
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Rare Coin Report

is written and published by

Lawrence D. Goldberg,

owner of

Customized Numismatic Portfolios

(c) January, 2006  All Rights Reserved

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