March, 2003  Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Newsletter IndexHome

Page 1

      The last time investors put significant dollars into rare coins was in the late 1980’s. From 1987 to 1990, prices of many coins jumped an unprecedented 3-10 times! Naturally, just like the stock price collapse of the last three years,

coin prices dropped in the early nineties, and remained lackluster until the last couple of years, when the coin market again got hot. 

      An influx of investor money would certainly drive coin prices up.   But would

(Continued on page 2)

      Despite concerns on Main Street and Wall Street about war in Iraq and weakness in stock prices, the basic economic condition in the US remains stable.  It is neither great nor horrible, and does not show  any indication of changing direction.

      The recent surge and decline in gold prices reflects uncertainty about Iraq, and not a sustained, rush to gold.  High gas prices, fueled mainly by political strife in Venezuela are putting a tax-like drag on economic growth, but are likely to be temporary.

      The Federal Reserve has taken no further action on interest rates, and is unlikely to do so any time soon.

      Vast investment reserves  now sit on the sidelines, awaiting culmination of the Iraq situation.  Unless that conflict results in an

(Continued on page 3)

      Pattern prices are up 10-20% in 2002. The February 2000 Pattern Price Guide, the first price guide ever printed for patterns, is obsolete. Twice in 2002,  patterns were so scarce many dealers (me included) had absolutely zero Pattern Coins in inventory for several weeks!

      Today, Pattern

Coins are generating a great deal of interest in numismatic circles.  Publications coming out this summer should amplify that interest dramatically.

      First, according to Robert Hughes, one of the foremost experts on Patterns and author

(Continued on page 2)

Pattern Coins:

Hot and Getting Hotter

Patterns to be featured in 2004 Redbook

Rare Coins and the Economy

& the Economy


How Will Likely Investor Influx Affect Coins?

“Over forty per cent of the U.S. population, an estimated 130 million people, now collect is the most popular hobby in the country.”

Text Box: Message from the Owner

	I am so excited about 2003, I can hardly contain myself. After ten years of doldrums, coins have become the most popular hobby in America - except perhaps for bashing the French. I have not seen such collecting enthusiasm since I was a kid in the sixties.
	Over forty per cent of the U.S. population - 130 million people - now collect coins, and the market is responding powerfully, generating high trading volume.
	This comes when traditional investment areas are flat, and political turmoil is peaking.  Historically, such circumstances are fertile ground for numismatics. 
	 This  newsletter features Pattern Coins, which in my opinion, are one of the best opportunities in the United States today - not just in coins, but in any area.  
	My prayers are with you all and with our country’s leaders in Text Box: Pattern Coin 
(see page 3]